
Enrico Rossi

Rails 1.2.6 under Debian Lenny in almost userspace

The problem start playing with rails is that most tutorial out there are based on rails 1.2.6 and doesn’t work in rails 2 which is now the standard in debian lenny.

First install ruby and rubygem from debian packages.

Then install rails 1.2.6 in a local writable directory (ex. /home/mygemstuff)

gem install rails --version=1.2.6 --include-dependencies --install-dir /home/mygemstuff

Then we have to make some adjustment to the op-system. As root we link /var/lib/gems/1.8 to out /home/mygemstuff. Then we make rails and rake executable in out path.

cd /var/lib/gems/
rmdir 1.8
ln -s /home/mygemstuff 1.8

If in your path thare is /usr/local/bin than you can simply

cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s /home/mygemstuff/bin/rails
ln -s /home/mygemstuff/bin/rake

now you can do rails demo

and start to playing with it.