
Enrico Rossi

Fedora 8 under Debian Xen stable

Since under Xen debian etch the is no rpm-strap for fedora > 4 I proceed in this way. Note: This is only a brief explanation, not an Howto nor a step-by-step guide. I’ve installed fedora 8 somewhere with less stuff as possible, manually editing packages and remove any package you can during installation. This reduce fed8 into (only!) 800M filesystem. For simplicity I’ve used qemu with -no-acpi option as a target system.


SintWind 2.0 upcoming

We are now working on an update to the Sint Wind project. This new release will have a Davis’s wind speed and direction sensor, simplified schematics and electronics, same Atmel’s ATMega 8 microcontroller and a humidity/temperature sensor Sensirion sht-71. Electronics by Marabo, I will write the C code for atmel, in avr-gcc using avr-libc all covered by GPL v3 license. Hardware’s costs, assembling the part, testing, installing will be carried by Diego and his paragliding club Volabass.


SintWind finally installed!

This weekend I and Andrea ‘Forrest’ Marabini had installed the sint wind. Now we hope that the battery get charged and the station start working for testing. I also hope to find out the time to put all the stuff regarding the sint (soft, manuals, schema…) on the web.

MlrUtil update - bugfixed

After a long long time I did not get to fly, I have discovered a bug in mlrutil which prevent it to download more than 988 point. Fixed.

Acer 1355 Debian Woody

Brief introduction I’m really sorry I don’t have time to write detailed instruction and howto. Maybe with time I can do it in a better way, until then don’t esitate to ask if you can’t work around a problem I solved. Prerequisite It is clear the fact you must have experienced installing and configuring Debian Woody and the kernel. If you don’t so, please use the hundred HOWTO avariable in the distro or around in the net.

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