
Enrico Rossi

Python opengarden API

Just push out the first implemetation of the Open Garden python API project. From the pydoc generated man page. Help on module ogarden: NAME ogarden - Python-OpenGarden module API FILE /home/enrico/python-opengarden/ogarden.py DESCRIPTION This module contains the python API to an opengarden device. CLASSES OpenGarden class OpenGarden The basic class definition Some usefull docs. Examples: myobj = OpenGarden # define the object myobj.connect() # connect to the device. print myobj.id # print the id.


Opengarden update

We are reaching the first milestone of the Open Garden project. If today’s test goes as predicted we now have: 8 independent water line. 4 digital input for alarms. 20 different programs stored in non-volatile memory. temperature sensor and average temperature on the last 24h. real time clock. Any program has a start time expressed in which days of the week, start time in hour and minutes, duration time in minutes.


Script to scan a document

For a long time I used a simple bash script to scan my paper documents, something easy, a single command just to do that. Today I’m switching to a gscan2pdf which is a really good and fast tool to take a lot of paper and merge them into a single or multiple pdf files. It is not a command line, but its gtk interface is not one of those 20 clicks just to do the same thing over and over .


Google chrome as mutt html viewer

I’m a mutt user and I have always used iceweasel (firefox in Debian) to view complex images-rich html mails; those kind of email that lynx or html2text cannot render in a reliable way. I’m thinking to switch from iceweasel to chromium-browser (google chrome in Debian) and one problem I encounter is on viewing html-mail from mutt inside the browser. With iceweasel and the following line in the ~/.mailcap file, everything is ok,


Opensint repo rebuild git rebase and cherry-pick

The opensint is one of the most git-complicated project I’ve done. In the beginning this project was developed using arch revisioning system (aka tla) and later it was migrated to git with git-arch tool. Its log sees more than 10 branches, 3 releases and other sub-branches used for testing purpose, all combined with merges in a very unclean way. Moreover the very first commits includes product’s datasheet, which may or may not freely redistributable.

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