Open Sint  3.4-2
Bug List
Global davis_adjust (void)
return is always TRUE, please fix.
Global ISR (INT0_vect)
if the message is non-valid and there is no more reading left to be used, then the message is considered valid anyway.
Global lacrosse_adjust (void)
return WHAT?!?
Global lacrosse_is_connected (void)
_delay_ms not working properly, this function should be wait 15 sec, if wind->flag is present then a lacrosse is connected.
Global phone_on (void)
modem answers during power on should be exactly what we expect, not if I got at least once it's ok.
Global phone_send (const char *s)
should be implemeted with PGM_P string to spare some memory.
Global phone_waitfor (const char *s, const uint8_t locked)

the string s should be checked not to be larger than the allocated RX buffer size or this function will always fail.

delay 100msec to wait for a new message should be releated to the serial speed.

File uart.c
only partially implemented multi-port. Many things are still on port0 only.
Global uart_get_msg (const uint8_t port, char *s)

multiport not implemented.

this function should be atomic, cannot be interrupted while resetting the pointer.