Open Sint  3.4-2
lacrosse.c File Reference

larosse tx20 interface. More...

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "lacrosse.h"
Include dependency graph for lacrosse.c:


uint8_t header_ok (void)
 check if header is 00100 More...
uint8_t lacrosse_checksum (void)
 ISR (INT0_vect)
void lacrosse_stop (void)
 stop the lacrosse reading.
void lacrosse_start (void)
void lacrosse_init (void)
void lacrosse_shutdown (void)
 shutdown lacrosse operations. More...
uint8_t lacrosse_is_connected (void)
 check if the lacrosse is connected. More...
uint8_t lacrosse_adjust (void)
 correct the lacrosse readings. More...

Detailed Description

larosse tx20 interface.

Function Documentation

◆ header_ok()

uint8_t header_ok ( void  )

check if header is 00100

The serial protocol is as follows- a.. Approx 1.2mS bit time >> 833 bps b.. inverted data - 0V = logic 1, +3.3V = logic 0 c.. one long (20 bit) stream with start frame and end checksum d.. issued every 2 seconds while /CE is true (held at 0V) e.. 00100bbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvcccc f.. 00100 start frame g.. hhhh bearing, lsb first, 0-15 cardinal points from North, clockwise rotation, 0=N, 1=NNE, etc h.. vvvvvvvvvvvv velocity, lsb first, 0-4096, turbine counts over previous 2 second period, non accumulating i.. velocity count appears somewhat nonlinear- the turbine is quite sensitive to small gusts below 5 knots that would not move a conventional cup anemometer, but less so at higher speeds j.. knots = velocity/8 seems to be a reasonable approximation across typical wind speed ranges k.. cccc checksum, appers to be simple XOR of the 4 bbbb, vvvv,vvvv,vvvv nibbles

◆ ISR()

ISR ( INT0_vect  )

The interrupt function to get the lacrosse string.

if the message is non-valid and there is no more reading left to be used, then the message is considered valid anyway.
Maybe neccessary ~500us delay to read bits not near up/down front.

◆ lacrosse_adjust()

uint8_t lacrosse_adjust ( void  )

correct the lacrosse readings.

return WHAT?!?

◆ lacrosse_checksum()

uint8_t lacrosse_checksum ( void  )

Check the checksum of the message.

true or false.

◆ lacrosse_is_connected()

uint8_t lacrosse_is_connected ( void  )

check if the lacrosse is connected.

This function should be used to try to autosetup which anemometer is present.

Remove this functions, when happens the lacrosse isn't detected correctly at the startup, the sint remains without anemometer until someone reset it. never use this routine with interrupt enable.
_delay_ms not working properly, this function should be wait 15 sec, if wind->flag is present then a lacrosse is connected.

◆ lacrosse_shutdown()

void lacrosse_shutdown ( void  )

shutdown lacrosse operations.

the default EICRA settings no need to change.