
Enrico Rossi

Flash programming STM32 maple mini

I had a little confusion regarding how to flash a firmware into the maple mini board and, more in general, on the STM32 family microcontroller. Normally I have always used an st-link V2 usb pen for both upload a new firmware and debugging purpose, but a friend ask me “why we can’t use the USB connector directly without any other adaptor?” Digging a little bit I have found that STM32 micro do have an in-ROM bootloader to update the firmware, but it is not the same software on every stm32 device ( STMicroelectronics AN2606 which describe the stm32-microcontroller-system-memory-boot-mode).



made in Italy Copyright © 2020 mamma Ingredienti 1l latte 80/90 gr di farina 50gr di burro 1 noce moscata grattugiata parmigiano q.b. sale q.b. 1 manciata di pepe (poco) (forse 1 pizzico?) Preparazione Scaldare il latte, a parte sciogliere il burro con la farina mescolando, aggiungere il latte poco per volta evitando i grumi cuocere fino che non si è addensata mescolare sempre. Fuori dal fuoco mettere il parmigiano grattugiato e la noce moscata (una grattugiata minima).


Ragù alla bolognese della Mamma

made in Italy Copyright © 2020 mamma Quest’anno causa Covid il Natale prevede che anche la cucina sia Do It Yourself. Di seguito qualche appunto preso velocemente. Naturalmente la ricetta non viene eseguita alla lettera, ma con qualche personalizzazione. Il consiglio è leggere diverse ricette presenti in rete e, come dire, seguire i passi che meglio risuonano con i gusti personali del momento! Sicuramente le ricette della cucina tipica seguono il principio che c’è più di un modo per essere preparate (There’s more than one way to do it).


new hamradio antennas

In the beginning of this year I restart one of my oldest hobbies, ham-radio. It was not my intention to invest a lot of effort into it so I brought two vertical antennas, one for the HF and the other for VHF and UHF. HF antenna is a Falcon D-original OUT-250-B (10-80mt) and, let’s say, it works. Nothing special about it, apart from it has a reasonable price. I think it is the right antenna when you don’t know what you are looking for.


c++ more on catalog of functions

C++ notes To expand the concept of Create a catalog of static functions with also add object’s functions. Create two class with both a suspend() function. The first class will be used as static only, the second one will register each object instantiated. Calling the suspend() static function of the second class will in turn call all the suspend() function of each object. A working example (available on github). /* Callback object functions in C++.

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